Curricular Code
The Curricular Code is a CATA document that outlines the rules for state FFA leadership development activities, i.e., contests. The content of the Curricular Code may be changed by vote of the active membership of the CATA at the annual summer conference. This is accomplished through the Curricular Code Committee of the Operations Division.
Curricular Code modifications maybe made in the following manner: (further clarification-please refer to the Curricular Code)
1. One-third of the contest areas are opened for revision on a three year rotation. 2. Even if in rotation - the contest will only be opened if changes are submitted to the CATA office by June 1. 3. The coach of the state champion team for that contest area will serve as chairperson of that contest area at state CATA Conference. 4. All changes submitted to the CATA office by June 1 will be forwarded to the chairperson for further dissemination. 5. Only submitted changes will be discussed in the contest committee and summer conference.
Out of rotation contest areas:
A contest area can be requested to be opened out of rotation. The approval or denial will be made by the governing board prior to conference.
The request must be made in accordance with items 2-5 above.
Curricular Code Text