CATA Hall of Fame
For 98 years the California Agricultural Teachers’ Association has been dedicated to the service of vocational agriculture, agriculture education, and the FFA members of this great state. In 2000, an idea was born that would result in the recognition of those who have excelled in such service. Ken Harris, past CATA Executive Director and past San Joaquin Regional Supervisor, was the driving force in organizing the efforts resulting in what we now call the CATA Hall of Fame.
The CATA is responsible for overseeing the selection and presentation of the Hall of Fame members. Inductees are nominated by their peers then selected by a committee comprised of past CATA presidents as well as past Hall of Fame inductees.
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2002
Dale Andrews |
Karl Bakken |
Jerry Biggs |
H.H. Burlingham |
Howard Chappel |
George Couper |
Dick Crabill |
Lionel Cross |
Jerry Davis |
Howard Dickson |
Lloyd Dowler |
Kenneth Easter |
Ed Fisher |
J. Cordner Gibson |
Arthur Godfrey |
Dave Graf |
Ted Gregg |
Richard Havens |
Don Hendricks |
Stan Hodges |
Kenneth Holmes |
Gilbert Hutchings |
Marty Jack |
Wes Jamison |
Bruce Jensen |
Elwood M. Juergenson |
Emile LaSalle |
Edward F. Leal |
Les McCabe |
Chester McCorkel |
Byron McMahon |
Dean McNeilly |
Julian McPhee |
Dixie Mitchell |
Dick Mosbarger |
W.L. "Pappy" Norton |
Jay Palmer |
Harold Peck |
Warren Reed |
Alfred "Sam" Rutherford |
C. Paul Stark |
Chris Starr |
Sidney Sutherland |
Ernest Tarone |
Leo Thibault |
Lionel Tocher |
J. Everett Walker |
Roland Wentzel |
Don Wilson |
Harold Wilson |
Gordon Woods |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2003 |
Robert Actis |
Hal Carlton |
Jack Chappell |
John DeJong |
Richard Rogers |
Oroville Thompson |
Gordon Tibbs |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2004 |
James Dyer |
James King |
Kermit Kliewer |
Harry Maddux |
Joe Sabol |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2005 |
Richard Boucher |
Larry Crabtree |
Leonard DeRuiter |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2006 |
James Bailey |
Keith Smith |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2007 |
Alfred DeRose, Jr. |
Bill King |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2008 |
Sanford Beck |
Lloyd Hokit |
Ronald Hutchings |
Westley Patton |
William Rienstra |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2009 |
Lloyd Doster |
Gino Farinelli |
Ralph Loya |
Clayton Oilar |
Larry Rathbun |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2010 |
Abdul Mohamed |
Stanley Rose |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2011 |
Richard Nimphius |
Bud West |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2012 |
Warren Weaver |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2013 |
Glen Casey |
Bill Loveridge |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2014 |
Del Petersen |
Hall of Fame - Class of 2015 |
Ken Harris |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2016 |
Ron Alves |
Del Clement |
Jim Porter |
Anthony Silva |
Stan Uchiyama |
Gerald Wenstrand |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2017 |
Robert "Mr. Bob" Cummings |
Christine Dickson |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2018 |
Gerald Clark |
David DeSilva |
Flint Freeman |
Bob Heuvel |
Jean Landeen |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2019 |
Steve DeRose |
William Kellogg |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2020 |
Mark Anglin |
Mark Bender |
Kevin Koelewyn |
Gary Lesh |
PJ LoCoco |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2021 |
Roy Beck |
Debbie Benson |
Mark Clement |
Joe Cosentino |
Jim Drew |
Annette O'Kelley |
Roseann Vuich |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2022 |
Jim Aschwanden |
Darlene Gilles |
George Gomes |
Jack Havens |
Max Jones |
Mike Rourke |
Kerry Stockton |
Frank Tebeau |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2023 |
Marc Coleman |
Ken Dias |
Darol Fishman |
Lloyd McCabe |
Mike Spiess |
CATA Hall of Fame - Class of 2024 |
Joe DiGrazia |
Robert Flores |
Laurie Goss |
Jeanette Lowe |
Ralph Mendes |
Steve Olson |
Cindy Rohde |
John Scheuber |