Curricular Activities Code

The Curricular Code is a CATA document that outlines the rules for state FFA leadership development activities, i.e., contests. The content of the Curricular Code may be changed by vote of the active membership of the CATA at the annual summer conference. This is accomplished through the Curricular Code Committee of the Operations Division.

The Code on this site has been edited to reflect the format changes adopted in June (see Introduction - General Rules) and to correct errors as allowed by the Code. If any discrepancies are found, please notify CATA and corrections will be made. 

Contests Scorecard Samples

General Rules                                                       General Rules Reference Material
Introduction                                                           Code of Conduct
Rules of Conduct                                                  Protest Form
Fairs and Shows
State Championship Events
Curricular Code Rule Changes 


Agricultural Communications (Revised 6/2022) 

 JudgingCard 105481
Agricultural Issues Forum (Revised 08/2024)  
Agricultural Mechanics (Revised 08/2024)
 JudgingCard 481J-2 CA ATMS
Agricultural Mechanics Fair (New Contest 6/2022, Revised 6/2024)  
Agricultural Pest Control (Revised 06/2024)  JudgingCard 705G
Agricultural Sales (Revised 6/2024)

 Agricultural Welding (Revised 12/2023)

 JudgingCard 481-2 CA ATMS
 Agriculture Experience Tracker (AET) Farm Record Book (Revised 12/2023)  JudgingCard 105481
Agriscience Fair (Revised 6/2022)  
Agronomy (Revised 6/2024)  JudgingCard 708-4
Best Informed Greenhand (Revised 6/2024)  JudgingCard 705D-1
California Water (New Contest 6/2022, Revised 8/2024)  JudgingCard 705E
Citrus Judging (Revised 6/2024)  JudgingCard 705G
Cotton (Revised 12/2023)  JudgingCard 705-A

Creed (Revised 6/2017) 

 See Code

Dairy Cattle Judging (Revised 6/2020) 

 JudgingCard 705A-12
El Credo De La FFA (New Contest 6/2022, Revised 6/2024)  See Code

Extemporaneous Public Speaking (Revised 6/2023)

 See Code
Farm Business Management (Revised 6/2019)  JudgingCard 105481
Farm Power and Machinery (Revised 6/2023) JudgingCard 481J-2 CA ATMS

Floriculture (Revised 6/2024) 

 JudgingCard 105482
Food Science (Revised 6/2019, Reinstated 06/2024) See Code
Forestry (Revised 04/2024)  JudgingCard530CA-3
Fruit Tree Judging (Revised 6/2020) JudgingCard 705-A
Fruit Tree Pruning
Pruning Deciduous Fruit Trees-444 Tufts

 JudgingCard 105482
Grapevine Judging (Revised 6/2024)  JudgingCard 705-A
Grapevine Pruning (Revised 6/2017)  JudgingCard 705G

Impromptu Public Speaking (Revised 6/2023)

 See Code

Job Interview (Revised 6/2022) 

 See Code
Light Horse Judging (Revised 6/2023)  JudgingCard 705A-12
Livestock Judging (Revised 6/2023)   JudgingCard 476-4
 Marketing (Revised 12/2023)
 JudgingCard 105481
Marketing Plan (Revised 6/2022)  See Code
Meat Judging (Revised 6/2022)  JudgingCard 480-4
Milk Quality and Products (Revised 6/2024) 
 JudgingCard 479-6
Natural Resources (Revised 06/2024)  
Nursery/Landscape (Revised 6/2024)  JudgingCard 105482
Parliamentary Procedure and Debate (Revised 06/2024)  
Poultry Judging (Revised 1/2024)  JudgingCard 478-7

Prepared Public Speaking (Revised 6/2024)

 See Code
Small Engines (Revised 6/2024)
Small Engines Tool List
 JudgingCard 481-2 CA ATMS

Soil and Land Evaluation Contest (Revised 6/2023) 
 JudgingCard 601CA-1
Vegetable Crop Judging (Revised 6/2022)  JudgingCard 482K-2
Veterinary Science Judging (Revised 6/2024)  
 JudgingCard 705G-1