2024-2025 Leadership Opportunities

CATA State Treasurer (5-year commitment)

To apply for a State Officer position, the applicant must:

  1. Be an active CATA member.
  2. Have served on Governing Board either as a Regional President, Division Chair, or Division Chair-Elect.
  3. Be a teacher of agriculture.

CATA State Treasurer duties include the following:

  1. Attend Executive Committee Meeting in August.
  2. Take responsibility for insuring that every elected officer in CATA has paid dues by their first regional meeting.
  3. Attend Winter Governing Board Meeting in January.
  4. Attend Pre-Conference Governing Board Meeting in June.
  5. Coordinate with the Executive Director in preparing the proposed annual budget.
  6. Attend the CATA Operations Division Budget and Audit Committee Meetings.
  7. Coordinate and assist in the dues collection process at Conference.
  8. Continue in development of dues incentive programs and membership services.

Operations Secretary (4-year commitment) – Chair of the following committees:

Articulation/Certification/Tech Prep
The mission of this committee is to foster collaborative conversations among various stakeholders (Industry Representatives, Certification Organizations, Secondary Teachers, and Post-Secondary Instructors) and recommend strategies for providing pathway specific student certifications that are aligned with industry identified knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for students to demonstrate employment potential and instructional pathway progression.  The committee’s mission is to also provide information on parallel and independent curriculum projects for Junior High, High School, and Community Colleges.  It also provides communication and education regarding Tech Prep developments and provides a mechanism to assist and guide instructors and schools regarding articulation procedures.

Professional Ethics
The goal of the Professional Ethics Committee is to: establish and evaluate the CATA organization's Code of Ethics, mediate and arbitrate unethical situations, and to educate new and continuing CATA members regarding ethical practices within our profession.

Secondary Secretary
(4-year commitment) – Chair of the following committee:

Affairs and Relations
This committee deals with organization business issues specific to the Division. Topics might include: agricultural education legislation, program standards, relations with National Professional Organizations, and other issues not specifically assigned to other Division committees.

Post Secondary Secretary (4-year commitment)